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Discovery medical aid contact details are offered for the following: Member general contact (phone and email), KeyCare Member services (phone and email), Smart HealthChoices (phone only), Discovery 911 (phone only), Hospital pre-authorizations (phone and email), Local Evacuations – ER24 (phone only, 24 hour hotline), International Evacuations Emergency – International SOS (phone and email, 24 hour hotline), Health Partner (phone only), Employer (phone and email), Intermediary (phone, new business and underwriting only) and the Discovery Health Compliance Officer (email only).
Discovery medical aid contact details allow you to quickly get a hold of the person or department you need when filing a claim, requesting assistance, changing aid schemes or if you want to enrol in one a Discovery medical aid plan. Discovery is one of the largest providers of medical aid in South Africa and one of the reasons they reached this point is customer service. It is never hard to get the help or information you need when you know the Discovery medical aid contact details.
You can find Discovery medical aid contact details on their website by clicking the tab on the side menu that say “Contact Us” and then click on “Discovery Health” in the sub menu. This will bring you to a page that will list all the options for Discovery medical aid contact details.
If you are unsure which Discovery medical aid details you need, check either your aid scheme paperwork or plan ID card as they will usually list a number or email that is specifically for use with that plan. If you still are not sure, call the member services line and speak with a representative. They will be able to sort your need and connect you to the right department. Discovery has become one of the leading medical aid providers in South Africa because of its attention and responsiveness to its customer’s needs. Never hesitate to call for clarification on a benefit or with any other question as they cannot meet your needs if they do not know about them.
This entry was posted in medicated on by medical-aid.951class="post-951 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-medicated"
For more than 30 years, Bonitas has been providing top quality healthcare plans for thousands of South African citizens, and they are now one of the biggest providers of healthcare plans in the country. It is due to the fact that Bonitas Medical Aid rates are so competitively priced that they can boast as being in the top 2 medical aid companies in the country.
Being healthy and free of injury is something that a lot of people take for granted; especially when they are young, nevertheless, injury and illness can strike at any time and often without warning. Even the fittest of people are not immune from every illness, and injury could occur as the result of an accident. It is because of this that Bonitas are able to offer a range of healthcare plans that will meet the needs of a large percentage of the South African population, no matter what their budget and state of health.
Before you look elsewhere, you ought to consider the range of Bonitas Medical Aid rates on offer, as there is something for everyone. Bonitas offer five varying healthcare plans and they have been designed to suit the needs of specific demographics in society, so there are healthcare plans for families, young and healthy people, the elderly as well as those who might be in need of intensive treatment.
For young people that are in relatively good health, Bonitas offer a plan which will cover the costs of any stays or visits to a hospital, whereas those people with families will require a more comprehensive healthcare plan, and there is one for them too.
There are also healthcare plans that are better suited to those people that are suffering from long-term illness, and one of the Bonitas Medical Aid rates covers this. The Bo Comprehensive healthcare plan is ideal for those people that need to visit their doctor more than just a couple of times per year, as well as covering the costs of visits and spells in hospital.
As you can see, there are a range of benefits when you sign up to a healthcare plan from Bonitas. Aside from the peace of mind that you get from knowing that you and your loved ones are going to be covered against a number of different health issues, you will also know that you are getting some of the most competitive healthcare rates around.
This entry was posted in medicated on by Jackson.773class="post-773 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-medicated"
With so many different medical aid schemes available to the people of South Africa, sometimes it can be difficult to decide which one is best for yourself and your dependents. For those individuals that are employed with Truworths, Woolworths, and Unison Risk Management this decision has been made a bit easier thanks to Wooltru medical aid. By opting to select one of the medical aid plans that are offered by Wooltru healthcare, you and your dependents will have the cover that is needed in the case of medical emergencies. These emergencies may include events that require hospitalisation, surgery, prescription medications and a host of other medical services. If you or a member of your family belong to any of the aforementioned companies, it is important that you look into the different medical aid plans that are set in place and rest easy in the knowledge you have the medical cover you need.
When it comes to the specific benefits that Wooltru medical aid provides that list is extensive. Not only do these plans provide you with the standard, or basic, medical assistance that you may need, but they have also established a variety of programmes to help individuals deal with a host of different medical issues and problems. For those members that are pregnant or plan to get pregnant there is the maternity programme. With this programme, you will learn about all of the important stages of your baby’s development. Members will get tips on what to do should she experience problems either during the pregnancy or after the child is born, as well as getting the information that she needs to ensure that she is covered when the time comes to be admitted to the hospital to give birth.
Another important programme that is in place is the HIV Yourlife programme. This programme helps those that have been diagnosed with the disease to live as normal a life as is possible. Participants will also benefit from a strong support system as well as getting the important medical assistance that they need to live as healthy a life as is possible after being diagnosed. With this programme, individuals with HIV/AIDS can be informed on all the things necessary for the absolute best life possible.
The different plans that Wooltru medical aid have in place also helps individuals that suffer from any of the conditions that are listed on the Chronic Disease list. Members of these plans will get information related to living with their specific chronic disease but they will also receive the appropriate medications and treatments that are needed in order to have the most normal life possible. Wooltru is dedicated to helping its members be as healthy as possible, and because of this, offers a broad range of programmes and services.
This entry was posted in medicated on by Jackson.707class="post-707 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-medicated tag-chronic-medicine tag-disease tag-health tag-health-care tag-health-insurance tag-medical-emergency tag-medicine tag-quality-of-life"
Health and well-being are key to a happy life. Without good health, and the medications needed to take care of the chronic illnesses that you or one of your dependent family members may have, life can be much more difficult than it needs to be. One of the best ways to ensure that you and those that mean the most to you are taken care of, should an illness or accident strike, or if a chronic illness exists, is to have a quality medical aid scheme that will afford you with the ability to get the health and treatment when you need it. A quality medical aid scheme will also offer a number of preventative health services so that you can stay as healthy as possible and potentially avoid, a serious illness.
If you have not signed up for a medical aid scheme then now is the time to look into Transmed Medical Aid. They are dedicated to not only providing you and those you love with quality medical assistance should a medical emergency occur, but they also offer programs and services that will help you and those you love stay as healthy as possible for as long as possible. For they are aware that one of the best ways to stay healthy is not only living a healthy lifestyle which includes diet and a healthy diet, but it also includes normal and regular visits to your doctor for the purposes of preventative measures. It is because of this need to look after the health and well-being of all beneficiaries that Transmed Medical aid has created the Eldercare Programme.
Transmed created this programme for the benefit of those individuals that are over the age of 60. This programme serves a number of different purposes. The main goal of the program revolves around three different things. These three things are:
Providing information on healthy aging
Education that helps teach individuals how to deal with the illnesses and diseases that can the elderly may have
Encouragement for the elderly to enjoy the later stage of their life and all of the opportunities that comes with getting older.
In order to achieve these goals the Programme offers a few benefits to members and their dependant beneficiaries. These benefits include the following:
A regular newsletter that provides information on aging and healthy living
Opportunities to attend special events and health days
Easy access to medical information that can help you manage your health appropriately.
A webpage for communication with other members of the Eldercare programme as well as online activities
With Transmed medical aid, taking care of your family’s health and well-being doesn’t stop at medical treatment, it also includes programmes, such as the Eldercare programme, that offers that extra help for a great quality of life, even well into the older years.
Being a member of a good medical aid scheme is important because it greatly takes away the added pressures that can come with unexpected and large medical treatment bills. There are a number of medical aid schemes in South Africa currently and most of the companies who are looking for your business have many different schemes available. Searching through all of these schemes in order to find cheap medical aid can be a bit of a chore, not to mention confusing.
(Photo credit: SSShupe)
When the time comes to choose a medical aid scheme, most people will be looking to sign up to one that gives them the best level of coverage in return for a minimum financial outlay each month. This is for the reason that in these difficult financial times, most people’s monthly budgets will not stretch to cover expensive medical aid schemes that offer them areas of cover that they do not feel that they need.
However, opting for cheap medical aid is not always the most sensible option and it is often the case that you will need to do plenty of research, and compare different medical aid schemes in order to find one that best suits your needs and financial situation.
Start by comparing the plans and make sure that you are fully aware of just what kind of medical cover you are going to be receiving in return for the amount you will be expected to pay each month. Getting value for money is something you want in many other areas of your life, so why should medical aid be any different? This however, does mean that the cheapest option is going to be the best option and you may find that the cheapest option covers stays in hospital but may not cover all the procedures that you may have undergone whilst in hospital. If your hospital stay is going to be a long one then you may find that the cheapest medical aid scheme will only cover your hospital stay for a limited amount of time, which means that you will be responsible for paying for any days spent in hospital over that limit.
One additional problem with cheap medical aid is that you may not be covered against the cost of medication for a chronic illness. Not all basic medical aid schemes will cover the monthly cost of medication for a chronic illness and you will need to be aware of this before you commit to signing up for a medical aid scheme. If you are not covered for chronic illness medication then you will have to foot the bill out of your own pocket, on top of what you already have to pay for your monthly premiums.
Selecting the right medical aid scheme is not an easy task and even though you need to keep an eye on your budget, that should not always mean that you should opt for the first or indeed cheapest policy that you come across.
One of the leading medical aid schemes in South Africa today is the primary wellness programme operated by Momentum Health which is known as ‘Multiply’. This particular plan not only gives South Africans the benefit of optimal health, but also a number of additional benefits for members. This is on top of the ‘HealthReturns’ which can be earned as an added incentive for joining the program, which can be up to R5400.
Hospital (Photo credit: José Goulão)
The founding principal of the Multiply scheme is that everyone in South Africa deserves to have the best possible health care opportunities at the most affordable rates. That is why Momentum is working with the most respected partners in the health, fitness and general wellness sectors to offer their customers a range of additional benefits and extra perks as part of their medical aid scheme.
Let’s take a closer look at some of those additional benefits that you could be enjoying if you were to sign up for Momentum Health’s Multiply scheme:
One of the key benefits of the plan is the discounted, or in some cases free, access to fitness facilities. Depending on the level of membership you have with Momentum, you could get free or discounted membership rates at Planet Fitness or Virgin Active. In addition to this, you can also take advantage of the Wellness Coaching Network giving you access to advice and guidance that will help you to achieve your fitness goal.
The plan also offers discounts, special offers and free services from health partners including Virgin Life Care, Health 24 and Money Sense.
Those with maternity needs can also benefit from the services of Momentous Bay and Preggi Bellies Training for Two as one of the perks of the medical aid scheme.
Of course, it is not all about health – we all need some entertainment from time to time. With the Momentum’s benefits package, there are also plenty of discounts on shopping, travel opportunities and entertainment such as movie tickets, hotel stays and domestic flights.
We would never advise choosing your medical aid cover based solely on the benefits offered, but if you have narrowed your choice down to two similar plans then why not take the opportunity to maximize your overall health, well-being, and get some great benefits at the same time. Make use of to compare the best deals on medical aid schemes from not only Momentum, but also from other leading providers of medical aid in South Africa.
The number of South African’s who are currently paying too much for their medical aid is astonishing. Medical costs across the country are on the increase and as a result monthly medical aid premiums are also on the rise. This has left many people considering cancelling their programs as the strain of meeting the payments becomes too much. However, this is not the only option. If you regularly review your medical aid cover you could get yourself a better deal and keep those monthly premiums to an affordable level. With we can help you find cheap medical aid to suit your needs. We can provide medical aid quotes from all of the leading providers in one convenient place.
(Photo credit: edenpictures)
Every family needs to have medical aid. The average middle class South African family has no retirement plan, no life insurance, and no medical aid scheme in place. This is not acceptable and getting at least some form of medical aid scheme in place is something of a priority. It is believed that families may spend up to 10 percent of their income on medical related expenses and this does not account for anyone with a long term condition or any major accidents that might occur. This only takes into account the costs for an average, healthy family’s medical treatment. This money would be better placed in monthly medical aid premiums which would then cover the family against any future medical expenses. There are plenty of cheap medical aid providers out there and the overall cost is likely to be far less than the 10 percent currently being paid out.
There has been tremendous inflation in the medical industry in recent years, and many families say that they simply cannot afford the medical aid premiums. However, the latest studies show that of the 25 percent of South Africans who have cancelled their medical aid, 44 percent did not even look elsewhere for a better deal! A further 16 percent had not reviewed their policy for the last five years or more. This means that the majority of people could have insufficient cover or could be paying far too much for their medical aid.
There are plenty of affordable medical aid schemes on offer and at we can help you to find them. If you cannot afford the monthly premium on your current medical aid scheme then it is time to look for one to suit your budget. Do not gamble with your health by living without this important cover. The medical aid market is highly competitive and if you compare what is on offer you will force providers to reduce costs to beat competing providers. We will do these comparisons for you and get you the best deal on medical aid without breaking the bank.
This entry was posted in medicated on by author.264class="post-264 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-medicated tag-health tag-health-care tag-health-insurance tag-south-africa"
Having a medical aid scheme is something that everyone needs to have for his or her own health and well-being. Since accidents and illnesses can occur at any time, it is important to have a medical aid scheme to protect yourself from the expenses that may be incurred when they happen. One place where you can get quotes on inexpensive medical aid schemes is By submitting the requested information on the site, you will be emailed a number of quotes that you can choose from.
(Image credit: Getty Images via @daylife)
With up to 160 different medical aid schemes offered in South Africa, the process of choosing the plan that is best for you can be daunting. With the free quotes offered at Medical Aid, the process of finding the medical aid scheme that you desire will be made easier. In some cases, employers may offer medical aid rates that are extremely competitive for different medical services provided to you when visiting a doctor.
Additionally, if you or a member of your family suffers from a previous medical condition medications or treatments may be required. By obtaining a cheap medical aid scheme, those medications and treatments will be covered so you do not incur out of pocket expenses that you cannot afford. If for some reason, you or a member of your family gets into an accident and becomes unexpectedly ill and ends up in the hospital, don’t be stuck with extensive medical bills. By taking the time to get the right medical aid scheme you can focus on recovering from whatever ailment you have been afflicted.
Why spend time stressing over how you are going to pay for your medical expenses when you need to focus on your recovery. Being sick or injured is stressful enough, but having to worry about how you are going to pay for your medical bills will make that more difficult. Take the time to do a bit of research on the kind of cheap medical aid scheme you need. Then submit your information into and get the quotes that you need to help you find the one that will work best for you and your family.
Having a good medical aid scheme is critical in protecting yourself and your family’s health and well-being. In South Africa, there are up to 160 different medical aid schemes with various medical rates. With so many options available, choosing the correct scheme to best suit the needs of you and your family requires an individual doing the proper research.
One of the first things that you need to consider for yourself and your family is what type of coverage everyone in your family needs. Do you or a family member have a chronic illness that needs specific medications or treatments? Are you on a limited budget and need to choose a medical aid scheme that starts around R400 per individual person? Higher end schemes can cost up to R3000 per each adult for more extensive medical aid schemes. No matter what your needs may be there is a healthcare plan available for you and the ones you love.
To help in making the decision about what is the most suitable, and affordable medical aid scheme, getting a quote can help determine what the best healthcare plan is for your loved ones and yourself. By getting a quote, you can find out exactly what plan will best serve you. Do not let the many options and prices prevent you from looking into the peace of mind that good medical coverage can offer.
With so many medical aid schemes available at various rates, it is important that every individual do their homework. By knowing what you and your family need, require, and can afford when it comes to medical coverage, you can insure if the unfortunate happens there is protection waiting. Do not be left without peace of mind by not looking into finding the right medical aid scheme for you and your family today!
This entry was posted in medicated on by medical-aid.223class="post-223 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-medicated"
Every individual has responsibilities that have to be taken care of on a daily basis. Whether you are single or have a family, taking care of the basic needs in life are important. These needs include working, upkeep of a home, and all the other essentials of life. One of the most important things an individual can do to protect themselves and the ones they love is getting medical aid.
Having a quality medical aid scheme can help protect you and your loved ones when the unthinkable emergency happens. Having medical aid can also help ensure the treatment that is required if someone in your family, or yourself, has a chronic medical condition. The best way to go about finding an affordable and quality medical aid scheme for you and your family is by getting a quote at
Obtaining free medical aid scheme quotes requires a few minor steps. Simply fill out the free quote form today. You need only provide basic information that includes your name, birth date, where you live, a cell number and an email address. Once your information is received, all of the major medical aid companies are contacted. Going through this process, we will help find the most competitive prices that are available through the various companies. Upon receiving this information, we will send you your free quote and the rest is up to you.
Look through the various quotes from the different companies; consider the type of medical aid scheme that you need and determine which best suits you and your family. Feel comfort in the fact that no matter what scheme you choose, whether it is a more expensive and highly comprehensive scheme or basic coverage, you will have assistance available for you and your family. Do not hesitate to get the medical aid that you need today.