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Choosing The Right Medical Aid Provider

Choosing The Right Medical Aid Provider South Africa has one of the highest HIV infection rates world-wide and because of this, medical aid is not considered as a luxury, but rather a necessity it is not just another form of health insurance. Medical aid schemes, like some other forms of health insurance, rely on a large membership base of young healthy people to support the healthcare needs of a small number of older, sicklier members, but unlike insurance, everyone in a medical aid scheme pays the same amount. That means people such as HIV patients who would probably be deemed uninsurable are able to get access to affordable healthcare. But how do you know which medical aid is right for you?

Every medical aid plan out there has different coverage. Some of them will pay more for doctor visits and the hospital than others. Some of them have co-pays and deductibles you are responsible for. There are plans that cover pregnancy and those that won’t. There are also those coverage plans that are limited in terms of the doctors that you can use as providers. You have to look through such coverage to find what is a good plan for your needs. We can help you with sorting through all of the different options which are available to you. We can get comparative quotes from a election of the top medical aid providers in South Africa and help you to identify the medical aid scheme which is best suited to your needs. We can also help guide you through the process including helping you to understand how gap cover can protect you from unexpected medical expenses. It is important to know that the medical aid provider you choose covers the things that are important to you. For example, if you plan on having a family soon, then coverage for pregnancy is very important.

There are also differences in how the various different medical aid providers handle payments for treatment. Some of the medical aid schemes will pay the providers directly and you will only be responsible to pay your deductible or co-pay. Then the provider will bill the rest to the medical aid program. With others though you have to pay the entire bill first out of your own pocket. Then you have to submit a claim for and get reimbursed. It can take up to 30 days for you to get that money back. We can help you to choose which of these is right for you. Why not get your free, no obligation comparison from

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