14class="post-14 page type-page status-publish hentry" Different medical aid schemes in South Africa

Different medical aid schemes in South Africa

With up to 160 different medical aid schemes in South Africa medical aid rates can differ significantly.  These differences can be seen regarding cost as well as the services that the scheme covers.  Your medical aid cover can start at the lower end of around R400 for a single person.  This kind of cover can provide hospital care as well as medication for a chronic illness.  At the higher end you can expect to pay up R3000 per a single adult.  It can seem daunting when looking at the prices of medical cover however it is a little price to pay for the peace of mind that you and your family’s medical care will be taken care of if it is needed.

A large number of employers in South Africa will subsidize medical aid for their employees. The medical aid rates that are offered by your employer are extremely competitive for the medical services that are provided.  However this is only the case if you choose a specific medical aid for the type of industry you work in or one that is the preferred medical aid for your company. You can also go though the open scheme route then you have the freedom to choose a medical aid scheme that is most beneficial to you and your family.

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