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Choosing Healthcare Plans from One Plan Medical Aid

4133664894_e632fed0a4Acquiring suitable medical aid is something that will help you in the event that you have a medical emergency, as it will allow you to receive the best possible treatment without the worry of paying large medical expenses. In this article we will look at one such medical aid provider.

When you become a member with One Plan Medical Aid, you can sit back and relax, safe in the knowledge that you are going to be covered against any unexpected medical bills. That then leaves you to concentrate on getting yourself back to fall fitness, rather than worrying about how to pay for your treatment.

There are some things that you need to do before you sign up to a medical aid plan, and the first thing you should do is to make sure that you read and understand the terms and conditions before signing. Another thing you need to be sure of is that the healthcare plan you have chosen actually covers you for the things you need. Due to the fact that there are so many medical aid companies out there at the moment, you need to make sure that you are joining one that offers the best possible coverage. That is why the people at One Plan Medical Aid have tried to simplify the medical aid process by limiting the amount of healthcare plans that they have to offer.

One Plan Medical Aid have designed their medical aid plans to offer a range of elements that would suit a large percentage of their customers. From hospital and healthcare only plans, to plans that cover both healthcare and hospital visits, there is a healthcare plan to suit everybody.

Staying healthy should be something that is top of everyone’s priorities, and that means looking after your health in the best way possible. This can only really be achieved by seeking out a good level of coverage from a healthcare plan. Many people seem to want to gamble with their health for the sake of saving a bit of money each month, and one of the biggest excuses for not having suitable medical cover is because they think it is too expensive. However, by making a few changes to your finances and cutting down on unnecessary expenditure, even people on low incomes will be able to find a healthcare plan that will suit their limited budget.

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Genesis Medical Aid Benefits

A lot of companies offer their employees the chance to sign up to a health scheme that allows them to get medical cover at a reduced cost, with the cost of the premiums being taken directly from their monthly wages. However, there are a lot of smaller companies that are not in a position to offer this service, and that means having to find a medical aid scheme to sign up to.4531270116_feb8502a6f

There are certain advantages of choosing your own private medical health plan, such as choosing the elements that you need and not having to put up with elements you do not need. At Genesis Medical Aid, there are a number of health plans that have been designed to help those people that are searching for a health plan, find the right one.

A health plan that companies might offer, may only cover the risk of mishaps and illness that may result from working for their company, and this could be a problem should you fall ill. You may find that falling ill due to factors outside of the company you work for, could leave you facing hefty medical bills, as well as the financial problems that come from not being able to get into work.

Getting info regarding the different health plans offered by companies such as Genesis Medical Aid is as easy as looking on their website, where you will find all of the information you need in order to choose the right medical aid scheme. You will also be able to contact the company if you have any queries that might crop up.

With a private health plan, you and your family can be covered against all kinds of illness and injury, with a company medical scheme, you might find the coverage lacking when you need it most. Some of the elements of a good private medical plan include the payments of the sizeable bills that come from lengthy spells in hospital, access to a GP, dental costs and help with paying for prescription drugs and rehabilitation.

Joining a medical aid scheme is as quick and easy as filling in some forms, either over the phone or on the company website. Signing up to a Genesis Medical Aid plan is a great way to get the peace of mind that comes with knowing that both you and your family are covered against any unexpected illness or injury.




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Finding the Right Hospital Plan

When it comes to finding the proper medical aid plan there, are endless questions that one will find himself or herself asking? What sort of plan will work best for them and what are the many differences between the plans actually mean. One of the plans that raise a number of questions for those seeking out the proper cover is that of hospital plans. If you are looking for a hospital plan, South Africa offers many different options for you and your family.


It important to note that when you are looking into hospital plans for yourself and your family, they are not all the same in what they offer. When you are looking into getting one of these types of plans, they are not designed to be all-inclusive in what they offer. Unlike other plans that are available in South Africa, these cover time spent in a hospital and some medications. This type of plan does not cover other services you may require such as dental services, or services provided by an optometrist.


When browsing hospital plans, look closely at all of the different benefits that the plans offer. There are plans that will provide you with the time that you spend in the hospital as well as medications that you may require for chronic illnesses. When you like a specific hospital plan South Africa offers, be sure that it is a plan that you can afford. Numerous hospital plans will not honor your policy if you miss even one of your required monthly payments. Paying attention to cost and what the plan you want covers, will help you find the hospital plan that will give you what you need when they time comes that you land in the hospital.

If you are browsing for a hospital plan, South Africa offers everything you may need if you take the time to compare the different plans. Pay special attention to everything that the hospital plan you select will cover when you have to be admitted into the hospital, and those that they will not. If for any reason, you need to get a different type of plan to ensure all of your medical needs are covered; this may be the better option for you. As always, consider what needs you have and that will help guide you in the direction you need to head in order to get the coverage that you need.

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Fedhealth Hospital Plan and a Guide to Entry-level Medical PlansFedhealth Hospital Plan and a Guide to Entry-level Medical Plans

7142786591_2f7065d001There are many healthcare plans to be found in South Africa at the moment, and most of them offer a comprehensive level of cover, with chronic illnesses and unlimited visits to a GP included. These plans are ideal for those people that can afford the higher premiums, as well as those people that are suffering from a pre-existing illness and who needs constant medical care. However, what options are there for people in good health that can afford their medical bills, yet want a basic level of medical coverage? In this article we will take a closer look at one such option, the hospital plan.

When it comes to defining medical aid plans, a hospital plan is often seen as an entry level healthcare plan, and this is due to the reason that only hospital expenses are covered. However, you will also find that hospital plans are a lot less expensive when it comes to their monthly premiums. A lot of healthcare plans have a habit of charging you lots of money, yet leaving you lacking when it comes to coverage. A Fedhealth Hospital Plan is there when you need it most in order to help you meet the financial commitments that come with staying in hospital for long periods of time.

A Fedhealth Hospital Plan will assist with taking care of both you and your family should the need arise for a spell in hospital due to illness or injury, all with a low monthly payment. There are a number of elements within a hospital plan that can be covered, such as maternity cover, the treatment of pre-existing chronic illness or even payments for x-rays and other treatments.

A Fedhealth Hospital Plan is designed for those people that are in relatively good health, and they have the ability to pay for their medical bills. People that are in good overall health do not need to visit a GP or specialist that often in a 12 month period; this means that they only really need to protect themselves from the expenses that can arise from lengthy or intensive hospital treatment. Most hospital plans include emergency transport to hospital which is one less expense to worry about. Hospital plans can also be useful if you are unable to look after your family due to not being able to work because of disability.




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Everyone Can Join Spectramed Medical Aid

7142786421_48cc19cdc0So long as you have a form of income that is paid regularly each month you will be eligible to sign up to a medical aid scheme. Health insurance is important if you wish to receive the best possible medical treatment and after care available, as well as avoiding the long waiting times that are a feature of state run health facilities.

Selecting the correct healthcare plan begins with looking at your situation, as well as that of any family you might have. At Spectramed Medical Aid, there are a number of different healthcare plans to choose from, and each one has been designed to suit the circumstances and lifestyles of people from different walks of life. You will also need to consider any long-term or persistent medical problems that you or any member of your family you wish to cover may have. Setting aside some time to consider all of these factors will help you to get an idea as to what level of coverage you need, as well as what you can afford.

Spectramed Medical Aid is able to offer 5 very distinct healthcare plans that will suit all budgets and lifestyles, starting from the entry-level Spectra Aqua plan which covers the costs of hospital treatments only. This plan is particularly useful for those people that just want to be covered against any major problems that would require a stay or a visit to a hospital. If you are looking for a healthcare plan that offers more, then Spectramed’s most popular healthcare plan is the Spectra Azure, a plan that not only offers unlimited cover against hospital bills, it also offers an extensive range of other health benefits such as dental and optical cover.

For those people that are unfortunate enough to be suffering from a chronic illness, medical health cover is a good idea, as it affords them to opportunity to get the expert medical attention they need, without the high bills. Of course, the monthly premiums maybe higher than for those people that are in relatively good health, however, you do not have to worry about any long-term illness excluding you from obtaining medical insurance.

People from all walks of life and all backgrounds are starting to take advantage of the benefits of being a member of a medical aid scheme, in order to help them to meet the costs of medical bills.

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Discovery Health Medical Aid Plans Help to Pay Those Pesky Medical Bills

6996699248_68d32e8995Due to the plethora of medical aid providers in South Africa at the moment, more people than ever before are able to afford quality healthcare. In the past this was not always the case, and there are many people that still do not have the right amount of medical aid cover. Those people that still refuse to entertain the idea of having private medical insurance are not only putting their own health at risk, but they are risking the wellbeing of their families too. In this article we will look at some of the details relating to medical aid cover, as well as how to select a suitable healthcare plan that is likely to cover you against treatment costs.

In order to combat the ignorance that surrounds the private medical insurance business, Discovery Health Medical Aid Plans have been designed to help those people on low incomes to be able to afford the right amount of medical aid cover when they need it. Due to the advancement in modern technology and medical advances, modern day medical treatment can be expensive, and if you want to benefit from the latest medical advances, then you are going to have to pay for it. The problem with government owned medical facilities is that they are often the last to get the latest in medical technology, medication and know how. This is something that could mean years of suffering if your medical condition is serious, and that is not to mention the lengthy waiting times for treatment.

How much you pay for your medical aid cover will depend on how much coverage you want to pay for, and Discovery Medical Aid Plans are designed to meet the needs of people from all walks of life and backgrounds. From the basic hospital plan to the healthcare plans more suited to professional people, there is a medical aid scheme to suit nearly everyone, no matter how much they have to spend.

Even if you already have a pre-existing chronic medical condition you will still be eligible to join a medical aid scheme. There may well be a probation period at the start of the scheme where you will not be eligible for treatment for a few months despite having paid some premiums. This is entirely normal and is just a method that the insurance company uses to save money.



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Choosing a Healthcare Plan through Oneplan Medical Aid

4182291013_fc4106bde3You might be wondering why being a member of a medical aid scheme is so important, and if you underestimate the importance of having suitable healthcare cover, then you could end up facing a number of problems in the future. Being a member of a medical aid scheme is much more than just spreading the costs of medical treatment, there are also medical aid companies out there that offer preventative medicine and techniques, and these can be useful in order to avoid serious illness. In this article, we will explain in more detail, the advantages of becoming a member of a medical aid scheme.

Oneplan Medical Aid is one company that is trying to simplify the healthcare plan selection process, by only offering a limited amount of healthcare plans, rather than dozens that some medical aid companies do. It can be a little bit off-putting for people that are new to the whole business of selecting healthcare plans, due to the fact that there are just too many to sift through.

It is not hard to see why some people do not even bother with becoming a member of a medical aid scheme in the first place, as the medical aid marketplace is so crowded with many different companies all offering multiple healthcare plans. However, not having medical aid cover is not advisable, especially the older one gets, and not having medical aid cover could leave you with no choice but to rely on the medical services of a state run medical facility. Additionally, you may have to find alternative ways to pay for your medical treatment, and many South African citizens get into debt due to the fact that they have had to take out costly loans in order to pay for their medical bills.

When choosing a healthcare plan, you need to think about your current circumstances and lifestyle, however, you should also think about how your circumstances might change in the near future. This will help you to decide on which healthcare plan is right for you and any family you might also want to be covered. This is vital if you are planning on getting married or having children in the near future, as you will need to adjust your level of medical insurance to cover your maternity bills and to help cover your partner and the baby.



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Get Comprehensive Cover with the Discovery Hospital Plan


Hospital (Photo credit: José Goulão)

The cost of medical care can be very expensive, and not having any medical aid cover can leave you facing the crisis that comes with paying for medical treatment. Far too many South African citizens are still without adequate healthcare cover, and these are the very people that could find that they are looking at hefty bills for their hospital care. The last thing people want when they are staying in hospital is to have the worry that comes with knowing that there is a large and expensive medical bill to pay at the end. That is why it is important to have the peace of mind that comes with being a member of a medical aid plan.


The Discovery Hospital Plan is able to offer all members help with stays and visits to private hospitals, and all of their plans, from the basic to the all-inclusive come with hospital care included. This makes their plans some of the best that you can get when it comes to getting help for hospital bills. Becoming a member will help you to avoid the stress and worry of expensive medical bills at a time when you need to be concentrating all of your efforts into getting well again.


The medical aid market may seem a bit confusing at first, especially to the uninitiated, and therefore it is a good idea to make sure that you are getting the right coverage for your money. Thankfully, Discovery Hospital Plan is incorporated into all of the company’s 6 different healthcare plans, meaning that if you are looking for help for hospital bills, you will not be left short of cover, even with the basic package. Also, the great thing about the Discovery Hospital Plan is that there is no limit on the amount of visits you can make to a hospital in a 12 month period, nor is there a limit on the number of consecutive days that you can be in hospital for.


It is details such as that, which makes the healthcare plans from Discovery Health some of the most competitive in South Africa at the moment. Searching for the right amount of medical cover can be difficult, however, the people at Discovery Health are determined to simplify the medical aid process, as well as offering detailed coverage on even their most basic healthcare plans.








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Cape Medical Plan : The Benefits

Not having the right medical aid cover, could lead to problems if you or a member of your immediate family becomes ill. However, there are still thousands of people living and working in South Africa that either have a level of healthcare cover that is totally unsuitable, or they do not have any kind of healthcare cover at all.

There is really no excuse for not having a suitable medical aid package to fall back on in time of need, and there is always going to be a time when illness or injury strike. One reason why a lot of people risk their health by not belonging to a healthcare plan is that they think that it will be too expensive and they will not be able to pay the monthly premiums. This may have been true a few years ago, however, nowadays companies such as Cape Medical Plan are able to offer a range of healthcare plans that could suit the tightest of budgets.

ID-100148654Cape Medical Plan has been in existence since 1961, making them one of the foremost providers of healthcare packages in South Africa at the moment. With competition so fierce between healthcare scheme providers, there are a lot of savings to be made on the monthly premiums, and that is good news for the customer as prices fall.

By becoming a member of a medical aid scheme, you are lessening the chances of serious illness and injury inflicting your life by allowing you and your family to have access to the best medical care available in your area. Not only that, but you will also be avoiding the stresses and worries of having to pay medical bills, which can quickly accumulate in to a hefty amount. Without a medical aid plan to assist you with your medical bills, you could find that treatment maybe discontinued, the consequences of which is not something that most people would want to consider

Signing up to one of the healthcare packages offered by Cape Medical, will help you with the problems associated with having to find the money to pay expensive healthcare bills and prescription drug costs. These plans are often seen as expensive and unnecessary by some people, however, there are many advantages, such as having access to a GP, a dentist and help with expense related to dental work and eye exams and the costs of spectacles.



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Benefits of the Discovery Health Hospital Plan

ID-100121240Being a member of a healthcare scheme has so many benefits rather than taking a chance on the treatment provided by state owned healthcare facilities. Although these facilities are acceptable, they are often overcrowded and the waiting times can be very long, as well as the standard of treatment not being of high-quality compared to private healthcare facilities.

With so many healthcare plans available, it might appear to be a bit of a chore in order to work out which medical aid scheme is the most suitable. Discovery Health Hospital Plan has tried to simplify the system by offering a range of medical health plans that are suited to all kinds of people and budgets.

Discovery Health Hospital Plan is something that is incorporated in to each of Discovery Health’s 6 healthcare plans, meaning that you are covered against the event of spending time in hospital, which is something that can be very costly. Many people that do not wish to have intensive medical aid cover should make sure that they have a medical aid plan that helps them with the costs of hospital treatment. Illness and injury can occur at anytime, and even to the most healthy of people.

Some of the hospital treatments that you can be expect to be covered for include radiology, oncology and many more, including prosthesis and surgery. The 6 healthcare plans that are available through Discovery Health begin with the KeyCare Series, and then there is the Core Series, and there is the Saver Series, Priority Series, and Comprehensive Series. The final healthcare plan is the Executive plan, and this plan is suitable for those people that want a little bit more from their healthcare package. As well as incorporating a Discovery Health Hospital Plan that provides unlimited cover for hospital visits or stays of any length, it also includes extensive coverage of a number of chronic illnesses. Not only that, but this plan will also cover the most expensive medication should you require it, and you will also be covered for medical treatment should you fall ill when travelling outside of the country.

Hopefully, this article has given you some ideas as to the advantages of joining a medical aid scheme. Protecting your health and the health of your family should be paramount to you, and that means finding a healthcare plan that suits your needs and finances.


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