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Tips on Getting Affordable Medical Aid Cover

Touring Health Clinic in heart of Khayelitsha ...

 (Photo credit: DanieVDM)

If you are thinking about obtaining cheap medical aid cover, or you want to make sure that you are still getting value for the money spent on your current cover, then a few simple steps can help. These steps will guide you through what can be a bit of a maze when it comes to medical aid schemes in South Africa.

Firstly, you will need to make a list of the kind of things that you need your medical aid scheme to cover. This will depend on your individual requirements or the needs of your dependents. If you already belong to a medical aid scheme then it is good practice to take a long hard look at the details of that cover in order to make sure it is still going to be beneficial to your needs as well as your family’s needs. The best time to review your medical aid policy is at the start of the year, as this is the time when most medical aid companies increase the cost of their premiums or even reduce the amount of cover included within the policy itself.

Secondly, you will need to think hard about the level of medical aid cover that you and your family are going to require. The most proficient way of doing this, is to work out just how much your medical bills were in the previous 12 months whilst at the same time allowing for unexpected emergencies that can crop up at any time. Most medical aid companies offer policies that can be changed throughout the year in case you need to remove certain cover or add new cover, such as maternity medical aid. If you think that you might be facing a lengthy spell in hospital in the coming year then you need to check the small print of your policy in order to ascertain just how many days in hospital your policy covers. This can also apply to the cost of prescription medication for chronic illnesses as this medication can often last for quite some time, and there may be a limit on your policy that only allows for medication to be funded over a certain length of time.

Some medical aid companies will offer many different policies that cover most medical situations. Finding the right one can be a lengthy and complicated process, as well as a tedious one. However, there are now companies that offer three or four different schemes that cover most of the population and their medical requirements.

You will find that as you get older that you will have to pay more for your medical aid than when you were younger, and this is simply because the older you get, the more likely you are to need medical assistance.

Spending some time in order to work out exactly what kind of medical cover you need in conjunction with your budget means that you will not be left high and dry when you need medical assistance.

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The Value in Obtaining Medical Aid Quotes

Many people find that when they start to look at the prospect of obtaining medical aid cover, that there are simply too many different companies out there offering medical aid policies. The task of finding a medical aid scheme and package that suits their individual needs can be a lengthy and tedious task. For this reason, it is a good idea to seek out comparison websites for medical aid quotes. The prospect of sifting through pages and pages of information and data (much of which can be comprised of confusing jargon and statistics) is not something that most people would choose to spend their free time doing. Moreover, on top of this many people find that the cost of medical aid in South Africa is prohibitive, due to being on a low income.

Having a low income should not bar you from acquiring suitable medical aid cover. More and more medical aid companies are now looking to offer medical aid packages to those who have to watch their monthly budgets.

Of course, it is perfectly understandable for people to say that they baulk at the thought of the amount of money that a medical aid package will cost them in premiums each month. The reason for their reluctance to acquire a medical aid package is that in the past they may have been quoted a huge sum in order to get the medical aid package that suited them at the time. It is true that a few years ago the medical aid market in South Africa was limited to a few companies who could charge higher fees for their medical aid programs. However, with the popularity of the internet, more companies are entering the market place. Those companies are now offering very good standards of medical aid for less money than you might think.

Most people who say that they cannot afford medical aid cover have to rely on the subsidised medical cover that the South African government provide. However, relying on this cover can be risky, as the government can only afford a certain amount per patient and this often compromises not only the quality of the care given, but also the medical equipment that is used.

To be blunt, if you want you and the people you care most about to receive the best medical attention possible, then you need to sign up to a medical aid scheme in order to help cover the costs that come with expert health care.

Even though most of the intensive medical aid packages are still beyond the financial means of a large number of the South African population, thanks to the wealth of choice, more medical aid companies are now able to provide cost effective medical aid packages that can suit those on the tightest of budgets.

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The Task of Finding Affordable Medical Aid in South Africa

If you are concerned about the general health and fitness of you and your family then you are probably thinking of looking for a medical aid policy that will cover you in the event of any medical problems that may occur. Falling ill or being injured in an accident is not something that most of us want to think about, however, problems do happen and they can happen when you are least prepared. By taking out a medical aid policy, you can rest easy knowing that you and your family are covered against whatever medical problems may come your way in the future.

However, if you are working to a strict budget and you are looking towards the cheaper end of the medical aid market, then you may find that searching for a cheap medical aid policy is a bit more of a chore than you thought initially. There are plenty of different medical aid policies out there and the market in South Africa is no exception. Many differ in price as well as the level of medical assistance that they provide, some are more suited to single people, whilst others will be tailored to cover both parents and children, plus there are specific ones for the older members of society.

You may find that the company that you work for has their own private medical insurance policy that is subsidised and that you can join, however, you will need to look at the policy in detail as it may not cover areas that you want and it may not cover your family. There is always the option of the open route with these policies, which will allow you to choose the right medical aid cover for your needs.

There is a growing need for low cost medical aid and there are a number of policies available on the market today in South Africa. Numerous medical aid policies can cover not only you but also your family for less money than you might think and you will find that you do not need to break the bank in order to acquire a good medical cover. The only drawback is that the medical aid policies at the lower and cheaper ends of the market may not provide the assistance that is best suited to your needs and any options that you decide to add on will cost you more money. This can quickly push up the cost of your medical assistance policy to prohibitive levels and before you know it, you may find that the policy is going to cost you more than you want to pay.

When it comes to obtaining the level of medical cover that you are looking for, then you will need to take your time and seek out the right policy that best suits your circumstances.

By taking your time and doing some research then you can find the best medical aid policy that best suits both your needs and just as importantly, your budget.

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The Pros and Cons of Medical Aid Quotes

If you are currently on the lookout for medical aid in South Africa then you may find that the whole area of medical aid is a bit of a minefield that needs to be negotiated before locating the best deal for you and your loved ones. For that reason, you should try to acquire some medical aid quotes in order to help you find the best level of cover, for the amount of money you can afford to pay towards the premium each month.

Medical aid is more often than not, tailored to the individual or their family situation. A young single person of good general health is not going to require the same level of coverage as a middle-aged family man with children and a partner. That is why you will need to sit down and work out exactly what level of medical aid cover you need for your situation.

The advantages that come with having suitable medical aid is that there is no shortage of choice and in fact, you may feel slightly confused by the plethora of different medical aid schemes in South Africa currently. Try to find a medical aid quote website that will help you to sort through all of the different policies and list them all on one page so you can compare them next to each other.

When you have found a medical aid quotes website, you will need to provide as much detailed information as you can and this information should also be accurate, if you provide erroneous information then you will receive a medical aid quote that will not be suitable to you. You may find that the level of cover you have does not cover eventualities such as childbirth or long term chronic illness medication. However, most medical aid schemes will allow you to add or remove certain types of cover when your circumstances alter, that way you can be sure that you are paying for the right amount of medical cover that best suits you and your family’s situation.

The downside to medical aid is that there may be certain things that you have to do in order to be accepted onto the scheme as some providers will require you to take a medical examination before allowing you to sign up to their schemes. This means that a previously undiagnosed medical condition may be detected that renders you ineligible for medical aid.

There is also the risk that they will not accept you if you have a pre-existing medical condition and this can be a major disappointment if you are looking to acquire private medical insurance.

Finding a medical aid quotes website is the sensible and easiest way in which to compare the large number of medical aid insurance policies that are currently available in South Africa. The costs of medical aid schemes do vary depending on your age, so younger people can expect to pay less than older people.

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Medical Aid Through History

For the majority of people, medical aid is merely an additional element of our lives; however, in reality it was first launched in 1950’s America, and only made its way to the republic of South Africa in the ‘80’s. The original medical aid schemes in the republic of South Africa began life as a hospital cash-back scheme and these schemes are still to be found in lots of countries throughout the globe.

When medical aid schemes were first launched in South Africa in the eighties, it was the only product of its kind available, yet by the end of the decade, in excess of 50,000 policies had been snapped up, sold by medical aid companies such as, Momentum Health.

When the first medical aid packages came available in South Africa, they were limited to groups and were popular with companies who wanted to give their employees some medical cover. Yet in the early years of the 1990’s, individual medical aid schemes became available, and it was not long before there were many different medical aid providers offering medical aid packages.

Amazingly the critical illness cover that nearly all of the main medical aid providers proffer across the globe was originally initiated in the republic of South Africa during the middle of the 1980’s. Not long after critical illness cover became available there was also the option for disability cover as well, and that is when medical aid cover began to look like it does today.

By the mid-nineties, there were a large amount of South African residents who were subscribing to medical aid schemes that included critical illness cover and disability options. This upward trend in South African citizens opting for medical aid, that includes disability and critical illness, continued to rise during the 1990’s, and by the end of the decade, the medical aid market in South Africa was well and truly at the forefront of private medical care.

Since the start of the new millennium most of the medical aid providers such as Momentum Health, have added more and more different ailments and long-term illnesses to the list of things that can now be covered. Illnesses such as AIDS and HIV can now be found on the list of ailments and diseases that can be covered by medical aid policies. For the reason that South Africa has a high rate of people with HIV and AIDS, the inclusion of these illnesses on medical aid policies was seen as a watershed moment in private medical care.

Medical aid schemes such as those being offered by Momentum Health are constantly changing to suit the needs and lifestyles of certain demographics of South African society. This means that all of the companies that are currently offering medical aid schemes have a lot of different policies available for the average consumer to choose from. This can make choosing the right medical aid package a bit of a difficult task for those who are not entirely sure what cover they need.

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The Best Way to Obtain Medical Aid Cover

There are more medical aid schemes being launched in South Africa on an almost monthly basis at the moment, and although this is good for consumer choice, it can leave people feeling frustrated and confused as to which scheme suits them best. In addition, it is worth remembering that on top of the amount of schemes out there, each company will have a number of different options available to suit people of differing circumstances. This means that trying to find the right medical aid scheme that best fits your individual needs, and just as importantly, your financial situation, can be a difficult and time-consuming task. Thankfully, some medical aid companies out there like to keep things simple. For example, Bestmed who only offers three different medical aid plans. These are aimed at key demographics, such as, young healthy people who just want to be covered for any potential hospital visit, or for those who have a family to look after.

When it comes to our health, many people do not want to face the facts that one day they are going to be in need of medical assistance. Illness and accidents can happen at any time and often without warning, it is in times such as these that people need to take the worry and stress out of the costs of medical care by signing up for suitable medical aid. For those people who ignore all of the advice about obtaining medical aid cover, when the time comes for them or their loved ones to receive medical treatment, they could very well find themselves without adequate facilities.

Medical aid cover can provide you and the people you care most about, with the right kind of medical cover that can encompass such things as spending time in hospital, or paying for the medication required due to a chronic, long-term, illness. It is very easy for medical bills to mount up very quickly, and when the worst happens, you will be relieved that you had spent the time to make sure that you have been covered against the cost of medical treatment. Those who gamble with their health by leaving things to chance will find that their lack of foresight has left them with either a treatment that cannot be completed, a hefty bill, or they will be left with no alternative but to visit a clinic or hospital that is not of a very high standard.

Medical aid schemes such as the one offered by Bestmed, are the best option for you in order to protect the health and well-being of not only you, but also the people you hold dear. However, there are many medical aid schemes and packages out there that may be entirely unsuitable so when it comes to finding suitable medical aid cover, take your time, do some research and even ask friends and relatives if they know a good medical aid scheme. That way you can be sure of getting the best deal for you.

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The Benefits of Medical Aid Coverage

English: Former Central Surgery, Tredegar - Lo...

Photo credit: Wikipedia)

When people who do not belong to a medical aid scheme are asked why not, they often cite one or two reasons why they are leaving their health care to chance. The main reason is that they find that the cost of medical aid schemes to be prohibitive. If they are on a low income then they feel that spending what is left of their hard earned money on medical assistance is something that they cannot afford. However, thanks to Liberty Medical, there is now a way in which they can afford to become part of a medical aid scheme, without breaking the bank. Liberty Medical now offers medical aid schemes that give great coverage for all those annoying medical problems whilst keeping costs down. They offer several differing plans that you can choose from and even tailor to your individual needs so that you know you are getting the right level of coverage you need for a price you can afford.

You can choose to either sign up to one of their medical aid schemes online or opt for speaking to a salesperson that will be able to allay any concerns you might have. It is a good idea to make sure that you know exactly what level of medical aid you are getting for your money, so that there are no hidden surprises later on when the worst happens and you need to make a claim.

Making sure that you have the right medical coverage is crucial in order to avoid the problems that can arise in the future. An overnight stay in hospital or a long-term illness can mean that you are going to have to pay some hefty medical bills, so it is important that you be covered for things such as prescription medication and hospital visits. There may even be times when you will require the services of a specialist and there are medical aid schemes that will cover this so long as you go through the correct referral process.

Claiming on your medical aid scheme is easy as well, and for the majority of cases, the health care provider will submit the details. You do not have to do anything, so long as the medical aid covers the health care you require, and the medical aid company will pay the money to the healthcare provider directly.

It is very easy to sign up for one of the many different Liberty Medical, medical aid schemes and when you do you will be left with the knowledge that you are going to be looked after when the unfortunate happens. No one likes to think for too long about the prospect of injury or illness befalling themselves or their loved ones, but it is something that can happen when you least expect it. Having the right level of medical insurance means that when the time comes, you can concentrate on getting better without the added worry of having to pay for sizable medical bills.

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The Advantages and Disadvantages of Cheap Medical Aid


Medicine (Photo credit: nist6ss)

Quality medical aid packages are an important part of the health care system in South Africa. Therefore, it is crucial that people who do not already have, or belong to, a medical aid scheme, need to think about joining such a scheme. Many people in South Africa are under the impression that the monthly payments for medical aid cover are going to be beyond their means. Numerous ways to obtain the information you require exist, when searching for cheap medical aid in South Africa. Firstly, you can make contact with a number of different medical aid providers, either by visiting their offices, or by telephone, or perhaps the best way is to make use of the internet. No matter what way you choose, you can find that getting suitable medical aid cover for you and the people who you care most about is a lot easier than you may have thought possible.

The benefits of signing up to a medical aid package are that you will not have to concern yourself about the cost of medical bills when the time comes to receive medical treatment. If you do some research online, you may be shocked to discover just how expensive modern medical treatment is in South Africa these days. Of course, you could always rely on the heavily subsidised medical treatment offered by the South African government; however, this medical treatment will probably not be of the highest standard possible. This is because the government has only a limited amount of money that it can utilise when it comes to providing the populace with free medical care. That means that the standard of the medical attention you could expect to achieve could be some way short of what you want or expected. Another downside to using government subsidised medical facilities is that they are often overcrowded and it can be quite some time before you receive the medical attention you require.

Therefore, it is useful to belong to a medical aid scheme in South Africa that can help you and your loved ones get the medical attention they deserve when they need it most. No one likes the thought of suffering through injury or illness, but the facts are things can happen and always when you least expect it.

Cheap medical aid packages, although affordable, will not always provide you with adequate cover, and this is something you need to bear in mind when the time comes to select the right policy. Most basic medical aid policies come with certain levels of cover as standard, and these include paying for hospital stays as well as prescription medication. However, there may be a limit on the number of days they will cover you in hospital, and if you have a need for medication due to a chronic illness then that may not be covered either, so it is best to make sure you are conversant with all the facts before signing on the dotted line.

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South African Medical Aid Quotes – Where to Find Them

US Navy 050826-N-9407V-003 Hospital Corpsman 2...

(Photo credit: Wikipedia)

When it comes to looking after the health of you and your loved ones you should look at obtaining some medical aid quotes to help relieve the financial burden of health care. The cost of health care in South Africa has seen a dramatic rise in recent years and for that reason, more and more people have been looking at the options of medical aid schemes. Medical aid schemes offer some much-needed peace of mind when the time comes to pay for those all-important medical bills. Being ill or injured in some way is not something most people want to think about in great detail, however, with just a little bit of research and perseverance, you can cover yourself and your family members for less money than you might think.

In order to assist you with making what many people perceive as a difficult decision, there are a number of websites that will allow will offer you a number of quotes for medical aid with minimal input. That means that you can weigh up the good points and bad points with each scheme as well as seeing them all side by side on the same page. By obtaining a free quote, you are taking the first steps towards providing you and your loved ones the medical aid that they may require in the future, as well as taking away the stress that comes with paying hefty medical bills during difficult times.

Researching the different medical aid schemes is important, especially so, when you are looking for specific coverage for medication for chronic illnesses or hospital care. It is also important if you are on a restricted budget and looking for the best cover you can find for the least amount of money. Getting medical aid quotes is the best way to compare and understand just what each medical aid scheme has to offer for the money you are expected to pay every month. Medical aid policies vary wildly in their costs and the cover they provide. The costs can range from a few hundred Rand per month to a few thousand. Selecting the right policy can be a bit of a minefield and some people can be confused by the wide variety of policies that are available. By getting a quote you can study each policy for as long as needed and then make an informed decision based on the amount of cover provided, the cost of the policy on a monthly or yearly basis, as well as how easy it will be to make a claim should you need to.

Do not take lightly or overlook the health and well-being of you and the people you care about the most. For that reason, acquiring a quote for the cost of medical aid is the best way to make sure that you have peace of mind when it comes to your health.

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Searching for Cheap Medical Cover in South Africa


Having access to good quality medical treatment is imperative for the continued safety and overall sense of physical well-being that you and the rest of your family deserve, when illness strikes. Knowing that you have adequate medical cover can be a great comfort. Therefore, obtaining a medical insurance policy means that you can relax with the knowledge that you have access to medical care of the highest standard and medicines that are available in South African private hospitals.

Living in South Africa means that it can be a difficult task to find the right medical aid that fits your budget; this is especially so if you are looking for cheap medical aid. There are almost 160 medical aid policies that are available at the moment and these all vary slightly. They can vary on cost and the amount of services that you can expect the policy to cover. However, you will be able to find a suitable medical aid policy that can cover you and all of your loved ones without the need to spend huge amounts of cash. The policy will normally cover you for hospital care and any medication you may need to relive the symptoms of illnesses. However, if you require other benefits on top of the basic ones that the policy provides then you can expect to pay more.

Most companies in South Africa will provide subsidized medical aid cover for their employees and obtaining medical aid cover this way will mean that you can expect competitive rates for the amount of services provided by the policy. The only draw back to these kinds of policies is that the services covered by the policy can be dependant on the types of industry you work in, as well as the medical aid that the company you work for has opted for. If you prefer, you can opt to go down the route of an open scheme where you have a free choice of which type of medical aid policy would best suit you and your loved ones.

When the time comes to search for medical aid cover, you may be pleasantly surprised that you find more plans that are suited to those on a tight budget, than you imagined. For less money than you thought, you can get a policy that offers many different medical services and treatments; however, you will find that the cheaper policies compared to the more expensive ones, do not cover everything.

When it comes to searching for the right medical aid cover for you and your loved ones, then you need to put in some time and effort and do some research. Searching the internet is a good place to start, as many websites allow you to compare the prices of many different companies based on the initial information you supply. When you think you have found a suitable policy then you should visit the company website, enter more detailed information and they will provide you with a quote for the cost of the cover you require.

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